I believe in moving with purpose... cultivating this mindset helps me live my life with resilience and adaptability.
I didn't always think this way; it wasn't until accumulative stress triggered acute reactions in my body that I started to understand the information it had been trying to surface for years. This message was that I was living a disconnected life, disconnected from my body, from my emotions, from my soul. I would exercise to build a physique, but it didn’t necessarily help me nourish it. I would drink or socialize to "alleviate" my stress, but that didn't allow me to truly listen to what my migraines, heart palpitations, let alone digestive issues where trying to explain. Once I learned to understand its language, I was able to clearly comprehend where most of the work was needed, not only in my body, but in the way I lived. This is when my need to shift my purpose came in, and the profound information that my body holds has been leading the way.
Breathing intentionally, dancing intentionally and approaching my yoga practice intentionally initiated my healing journey. It is positively impacting my physical and emotional health, my demeanor, my energy levels and my relationships. There's a long list of techniques that have gotten me here today, including a mix of ancient traditions and modern science disciplines, and the list keeps growing.
I am deeply grateful for the lessons my teachers have placed on my path. As I learn and better understand the synchronicity of this beautiful universe, I recognize how blessed I am with such kind and loving guides that keep appearing in my life. Thank you!
I invite you to join me on this journey. I commit to being my most authentic, honest being whenever you're in need. I want to share all I know with you so we can all keep growing in parallel. I heal for US. Let's move together.